Asta Powerproject has become the standard for construction project scheduling throughout Europe and the rest of the world outside the United States since its initial release in 1988. It was introduced to the U.S. market in 2013. Small and large companies including general contractors, subcontractors, civil engineering firms, clients and professional advisors prefer Asta Powerproject's ease of use and powerful functionality.
More than 80,000 schedulers worldwide rely on the software to create and update precise project schedules, collaborate across the enterprise, manage resources and costs, and report progress to owners and clients. And now, they can even take advantage of BIM modeling right in their scheduling window. Visit www.astapowerproject.com to learn more.
Asta Powerproject is a product of Eleco plc, a software development company focused on architectural, engineering and construction industries. Eleco is listed on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market and can be found online at www.eleco.com.