How can business owners use social media and/or newer marketing tactics to communicate with clients? better
Our industry experts share their solutions to some of the biggest problems facing construction business owners & their teams

Lisa Cruz

Owner & President
Red Shoes Inc.

The first step for determining the best way to reach the ideal client is research. In order to reach the right client, you must know who that is, both from a demographic and behavioral perspective. Based on that information, social media and emerging tactics may, or may not, be the best fit.

If it is decided that social media and newer marketing efforts can garner a new audience, the next step is choosing which of those items works best. Once the appropriate platform(s) is identified, select the best time to reach potential clients on that platform so you can post content when your targeted audience will see it.

Then, you must choose engaging, client-centered content to share. During this process, it is important to engage with departments throughout the organization to determine appropriate content based on client requests and your research.

For example, the sales department has insight into what current clients ask about during a business transaction. For other content ideas, look at pain points to build a communication sequence. The bottom line: your marketing tactics and messaging should be customer-driven.

Overall, when trying to convey a message to the masses, research is the best first step a company can take.

Nina Iorg

Senior Director

People look to social media platforms to be entertained, and that’s why most companies struggle to communicate through them. But it doesn’t have to be this way. For construction business owners, social media can serve as a project portfolio that not only entertains, but also inspires and educates.

To craft a strong social strategy, first you must select the right platforms. Many businesses only have the resources to post to one channel, but are attempting to manage multiple pages. Keep in mind that social algorithms favor consistency and engagement. Even if you only have a single Facebook page, commit to creating a schedule and posting regularly. Then, build a relationship with your followers through frequent interaction.

When creating content, ask yourself: Is it entertaining? Does it educate? Does it spur action? These elements are key to producing engaging content. For example: how can you elevate a time-lapse construction video? Educate viewers by sharing a tip, and then encourage your audience to take action (e.g., tagging a friend in the comments).This strategy ensures optimal engagement.

Social media is part of the foundation of any digital marketing strategy which, when executed correctly, can result in significant return on investment for your business.

Yumi Clevenger

Communications + Brand Leader
DPR Construction

The basics of communicating with customers is not much different than it was 10 years ago—except that it’s being done online more and more. While technology and social media have changed the number of channels for communicating, the basics remain the same.

1. Be a good listener. Use social media as an opportunity to learn more about your customers and what they are interested in. The amount of information you gather can help inform your sales and marketing strategies and allow you to better target your communication. The more often you can provide content that your audience is interested in, the better. #qualityoverquantity

2. Build a relationship. Remember, good communication is a two-way street. When engaging in social media, it important to be prepared to respond to requests, questions or even complaints that come in through your social media channels in a timely manner.

3. Be authentic.The experience customers have with you online should match the experience they have with your company in the office and field. Show off your personality, but be yourself.

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