Lake City, Colorado (May 23, 2019)—In the annual “Hot 50” issue, Green Builder editors have selected the most innovative, creative and all-around sustainable products available to the building market. 

“Never let it be said that there’s nothing new under the sun,” says Green Builder Editor-in-Chief Matt Power. “One-fourth of Green Builder’s 2019 ‘Hot 50’ products have direct ties to solar energy, from shingles to portable power plants. It seems fitting that the most-prominent example of sustainability should be one of the most important trends shaping the built environment.”

One solar standout is Panasonic HIT AC Series, an all-in-one module that has a built-in IQ 7X microinverter with individual maximum power-point (MPPT) tracking. The product offers design flexibility, reduced installation time and a field-replaceable microinverter with no direct-current (DC) wire management required.

The popular annual roster of green products also has plenty of items representing other facets of high-performance building—household fixtures, heating and cooling devices, insulation tools and smart technology are just a few categories to make the cut.

Examples of these include LP’s SmartSide Trim and Siding line of high-performance products, which are highly durable and now available in a smooth finish with a limited warranty. Another is Niagara Conservation’s Bi-Max Showerhead with Equiforce technology. The even spray of this showerhead covers a large diameter and allows for a flow-rate of 1or 1.5 gallons per minute while offering a powerful, consistent flow, regardless of water pressure.

“Selections were based on the product’s innovative design, sustainable manufacture, durability, degree of innovation and potential energy or water savings,” Power says. “Here’s to another year where great building science meets good design— 50 products that add to the pedigree of the nation’s best built homes.”

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