MENLO PARK, Calif. (July 2, 2014) — With pockets of unemployment still at historic levels in some neighborhoods in Silicon Valley, a new software construction management company in North America is partnering with JobTrain, an almost 50-year-old Menlo Park nonprofit with an established track record for teaching job skills and life skills. BluBridge Solutions Inc., a software construction management company headquartered in Bordeaux, France, with new offices in Menlo Park and elsewhere in North and South America, will sponsor one student in JobTrain’s 17-week construction training program, called Project Build, each time the company surpasses $100,000 in software sales. “As construction picks up in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area, general contractors say they have a hard time finding well-trained, reliable workers to hire," said BluBridge’s VP of Business Development Joshua Amrani. "JobTrain is known for its high-caliber training of folks, many of whom have found themselves unemployable. We are proud to help fund the opportunity for people to turn their lives around.” BluBridge started in France more than 15 years ago, developing software for construction and public works companies of all sizes. Since then, it has helped more than 30,000 users worldwide by simplifying operating procedures to ensure business costs are controlled and profits are maximized. In July, the company established its first division in North and South America. Amrani says BluBridge is excited that the company already has sponsored one student in Project Build and is looking forward to many more. JobTrain (formerly known as OICW) also teaches vocational skills in other fields, such as computer services, medical assistant and culinary art. Its Project Build classes help graduates get skilled trade jobs in the construction, green technology and solar industries. During its 49 years, JobTrain has helped more than 185,000 people find pathways to new lives. “We are thrilled by the support and enthusiasm of BluBridge," said Nora Sobolov, executive director of JobTrain. "As a neighbor of ours in East Menlo Park, Josh Amrani and others at BluBridge have spent many hours working with our students and learning about our programs. Their sponsorship and their initial contribution to kick off our 20 Scholarship Fund will enable us to help even more people hurt by the economy and life events. BluBridge has also donated 30 software licenses for students to use in Project Build.” Amrani says, “Coming to this country when I was four years old, I share a family story that is very similar to that of the students at JobTrain. Upon walking through the doors, I immediately related to the students and their families. I saw my parents in the classrooms, my brother and me on the playground. In that moment, I decided JobTrain was the best company to partner with to start making a positive change in the Bay Area. “ For more information, contact Joshua J. Amrani at BluBridge Solutions at 650-714-1232 or and Nora Sobolov at JobTrain at 650-330-6500 or
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