Coordinated industry campaign is designed to educate the design/build community about the benefits of concrete construction

SAN DIEGO (April 12, 2016) – Using their 2016 National Convention as a launching pad, the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) has unveiled Build with Strength, a multi-million dollar coordinated industry campaign to better educate the design/build and code communities about the benefits of concrete construction in the low to mid-rise sector, and in general.   

“We are proud to launch a first of its kind program for the concrete industry,” said outgoing NRMCA Chairman Allen Hamblen, president and CEO of CalPortland. “It’s not only going to support our members, their businesses, and the hard-working  men and women of the concrete industry, but I firmly believe that the education campaign we are embarking on will lead to stronger, more durable construction that will save lives while cutting cost over time.”

The program is based off of a significant research investment made by the NRMCA to better understand the motivations behind the use of certain construction materials including concrete.  The research showed that a great majority of the design/build community was favorable to concrete construction because of attributes like strength, durability and ease of use.  However, certain misconceptions about cost and environmental impact often led decision makers to choose less safe building materials such as wood and wood products.

“All of us in the concrete industry know we offer a superior construction product that delivers safety, durability and strength to designers, architects, builders, investors and consumers,” said NRMCA President Robert Garbini.  “What this campaign is about is spreading that message to the audiences that are either unaware of or reluctant to embrace concrete as the standard bearer of durability.”

The campaign relies on an unprecedented communications strategy that will include a Build with Strength branded website, video content, a multi-city media tour, rapid response capabilities, advertising, social media properties and stakeholder engagement opportunities.  Additionally, the campaign is designed to drive industry and project decision makers to resources such as webinars and live seminars for technical support and design assistance while also building an advocacy network that will support concrete’s position in building codes, standards and rating systems at the state and local level. The campaign has already been activated in both Washington state and Maryland where state legislatures were considering legislation that would have greatly impacted the construction materials market.  

“With Build with Strength we have an opportunity to reenergize the concrete industry and better position concrete products in the construction marketplace,” said Ted Chandler, incoming NRMCA chairman and president of Chandler Concrete Co. Inc. “Given the type of support we have received thus far I have no doubt it will serve as a united voice reminding people inside and outside of the industry that no product is as safe, strong or durable as ready mixed concrete.”

For more information, visit Build With Strength