WASHINGTON—As the nation faces the coronavirus pandemic, the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is dedicated to keeping the American workforce safe and healthy. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Loren Sweatt testified before the House Education and Labor Committee’s Workforce Protections Subcommittee about the agency’s role during the crisis.

“Throughout the ongoing pandemic, OSHA’s work is continuing uninterrupted,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Loren Sweatt. “From conducting thousands of investigations to issuing critical guidance aimed at protecting workers in high-risk industries, OSHA is on the job protecting America’s workers against the coronavirus.”

Sweatt’s written testimony is posted here. The Department is highlighting OSHA’s continued work to keep American workers safe during these unprecedented times. OSHA has released many public statements related to the coronavirus pandemic including:

Respirator Guidance:

Protecting Workers in High-Risk Industries:

Enforcing Safety in the Workplace:

Offering Clear Direction for Employers: