ORLANDO, Fla. (April 17, 2024) — Tenna, a construction technology platform for equipment fleet operations, and Boom and Bucket, an online marketplace for buying and selling heavy machinery, have announced a strategic partnership and integration for enhancing a construction business’s ability to manage the life cycle of its owned fleet.

This partnership involves the integration of Boom and Bucket’s market valuation and data tools into Tenna’s equipment operations platform. It shows Boom and Bucket’s real-time asset value at the asset level on Tenna and incorporates the option of listing an asset on Boom and Bucket’s marketplace as part of the equipment disposal process in Tenna. This provides contractors with insight and convenience in the end-to-end management and sale of their high value, heavy construction equipment. 

With Boom and Bucket’s valuation tools integrated into Tenna, contractors can instantly access auction results and retail asking values for their owned equipment within Tenna, facilitating accurate price valuations

With a single click within Tenna, contractors can transition their equipment from monitoring and management within Tenna to being listed for sale on Boom and Bucket. This integration streamlines the process by eliminating the need to navigate between platforms for equipment management and sales, consolidating both into one seamless experience. Tenna users can leverage this integration to access the latest market values and make informed choices on when to sell assets to maximize returns.

This integration will be available in the summer of 2024 at no additional cost to all Tenna users (accessible based on permissions within each asset’s financial section).

Visit tenna.com and boomandbucket.com.