Equipment and tunnel/Adobe Stock
Using tech as a project management resource

Infrastructure design and features are key to growing communities and cities, driving economies and forming neighborhood identities. The construction industry recently experienced costly bottlenecks attributed to supply chain breakdowns and workforce reduction, and officials have implemented stricter regulations and protocols designed to safeguard environments and construction personnel during excavation. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to have a transformative impact within several industries as software specialists have enhanced this powerful resource to automate tasks, elevate collateral quality and produce nuanced, error-free data analysis to create actionable insights. Its application within construction and infrastructure development has the potential to reimagine how these industries design, plan, monitor and bring projects to fruition, all while elevating safety, reducing expenses and creating modern structures and resources to innovate cities.


Modernizing Excavation, Mitigating Hazards

Risk mitigation remains a priority within any construction project, and excavation protocols have become more stringent in response to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently reporting 39 deaths directly attributed to excavation and trenching, the highest statistic in 18 years. Despite additional campaigns to promote safety awareness, the industry utilizes new technology resources to reduce worker injuries and facilitate proactive strategies to complete more accurate excavation projects.

AI is an invaluable resource when utilized during construction planning stages. Project managers deploy AI-driven blueprint programs and instantly gain deep insights into potential obstacles and hazards of surrounding environments that may hinder project completion. Accurate and automatic measurements in real time eliminate repetitive tasks and human error. At the same time, cloud-based programs provide instant document and blueprint sharing in real time, facilitating collaboration and ensuring strict adherence to the newest OSHA and construction regulations with no confirmation delays. 

AI-driven robotics will propel excavation and construction processes forward as software specialists have enhanced sensors and predictive analytics to produce actionable insights. Nuanced sensors within robotics successfully detect any minute presence of nitrogen and other oxygen-depleting gases that cause death by asphyxiation during trenching. OSHA continues to report that trenching remains dangerous, and despite a reduction in fatalities, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 166 deaths directly related to trenching from 2011 to 2018. AI-driven resources can significantly reduce this chilling statistic by proactively studying environmental conditions and facilitating careful planning of all worksite processes to ensure more stringent safety strategies.

Machine learning (ML), a subset of AI, provides great innovation in how project managers engage in rock analysis. Rock analysis is critical for efficient and safe excavation, and ML algorithms complete error-free, highly nuanced studies of rock mass, composition and brittleness index (BI) parameters in real time to enable project managers with expedited reports to reduce excavation completion times and properly utilize all resources required for safe workflow. Accurate BI reports are paramount for project managers to make informed, data-driven decisions on the fragility properties of rock mass. Machine learning eliminates any inconsistencies in BI report generation and augments personnel by providing a new resource to reduce expenses and promote careful project strategies, ensuring on-time and on-budget task completion as ML analytics forecast task completion times, as rock mapping and analysis have historically been time-consuming.


Promoting Precision With Artificial Intelligence

Successful construction and excavation projects are predicated on strategic planning, budgeting and accurate data. AI automatically produces error-free studies and real-time data production to empower project managers by unlocking unprecedented insights into every stage of construction project planning. 

Software developers have made great advancements with AI-based algorithms. Designing and programming modern algorithms offer project managers recommendations for task completion, providing data-driven options on how to proceed and alternative measurements within blueprints to ensure safe, quality project completion.

Predictive analytics remain an innovative resource enhanced by dedicated developers. By automatically collecting and monitoring data, predictive analytics successfully forecast future outcomes within customized parameters. Applied within excavation and construction, predictive analytics enable insight into a structure’s durability, forecast task completion times and provide project managers with error-free data detailing expenses.


Data-Driven Decisions Drive Sustainability

Industries continue to grapple with how to innovate products and services while balancing production processes with demands for more sustainability. The construction industry remains one of the biggest consumers of raw materials, and processes such as trenching and excavation can tax environments. 

AI-driven analytics successfully guide project managers on which raw materials offer the most durability and sustainability, carefully studying manufacturing techniques and composition and automatically generating reports for recommendations. Utilizing analytics enables more informed, data-driven decisions beyond the initial criteria for sourcing raw materials for construction projects. 

Project managers, officials and advocates for sustainability have reevaluated construction project life cycles as calls for more green initiatives have increased. AI analytics facilitate greater insights into how infrastructure, commercial real estate and residential properties consume energy. Leveraging AI enables nuanced studies of structural integrity and efficiency and carefully recommends what energy sources promote the cleanest utilities while reducing consumption and operating expenses.



Leveraging AI for Optimization

Leveraging the limitless capabilities of AI provides the construction industry with cutting-edge resources to promote safety and reduce expenses and environmental impacts, ultimately completing projects critical for infrastructure. 

Great advancements by software specialists have facilitated innovation within all industries, and the integration of AI and analytics within construction and infrastructure development provides new paths to modernity for an industry that continues to experience significant challenges. These continued challenges have forced the construction industry to seek recourse and develop new strategies to meet modern infrastructure demands while reducing expenses and expediting project completion times. Sharp increases in construction raw material costs have stymied budgets, but technological innovations may provide the construction and infrastructure sectors solutions to move forward successfully and provide more safeguards during excavation.