The avenues that used to bring in construction recruits are being choked off.
The younger generation has been streamed into white collar jobs for decades now. Kids don’t have the same access to heavy equipment their parents did. And today’s recruits simply have wildly different expectations of what awaits them on the worksite.
The result? A vast shortfall in the skills of available workers.
We are seeing the consequences everywhere. In fact, almost two thirds of construction firms today have projects that have been delayed because of skilled labor shortages.
Those firms are doing what they can, including making significant investments in better training programs for large pools of primarily unqualified candidates.
But now, the development of advanced simulation training technology makes it possible for them to tap into new, more flexible strategies than ever before.
This immersive simulation technology makes you feel "like you're there" … in the machine, on the job, and under real conditions.
More importantly, the immersiveness is based on actual equipment and performance data. This means you can use simulation as a one-stop tool for recruitment, assessment, and training – and build on increased candidate confidence at each step … so you can measure and manage how these workers will perform on your worksite.
Join us at 11:00 am EST/ 8:00 am PST on Thursday, November 16, 2023. You’ll find out how new simulation training strategies are transforming skills development today.
- See how training “like you’re there” improves safety and performance metrics
- Learn the outcomes of traditional training vs. simulation training
- And, discover the real dollars and cents return on investment in simulation training technology, using an exclusive ROI calculator we’re making available to webinar attendees
Book your spot now.