There are a handful of crucial financial reports that every contractor needs to understand in order to make the best business decisions possible. This webinar will share how to run those mission-critical reports, the data you need to capture to create them, and tips for best-in-class reporting tools to make the job easier, in real-time and even automated.
Having the right data available at the right time, and the ability to analyze that information, can improve your profitability, reduce financial risk, and help you take action faster when a job gets off track.
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CPA, Senior Product Manager
Spectrum Construction Software
Geoffrey Falk is a CPA and senior product manager for Spectrum Construction Software, where he is responsible for the product life cycle, from strategic planning to successful release. He has over 20 years of experience helping construction businesses of all sizes capture and utilize the right information to move their businesses forward. He holds bachelor’s degree in business administration from The University of Puget Sound.