Editor's Note: To get straight answers to your tough construction business and contracting questions, e-mail George Hedley, the Construction Business Expert, at gh@hardhatpresentations.com.



In reading your "Mediocrity" article I picked up on some great tips about the importance of maintaining a good relationship with clients. I would like to send a thank you letter to a few clients that we recently completed projects for. I feel that this letter needs to have something more than just a generic thank you in it. Can you offer any suggestions? Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Chuck Anselmo

Allstates Building Systems



Keep it short and simple! Send them a framed progress photo montage or a picture of the completed building with a small note like: "Thanks for letting us help make your new project a success. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your team. It was a great experience. Call me anytime for any reason-problem, repair, maintenance, warranty issue or how to improve your golf swing. I am always here to help."

You can include a gift certificate to play golf (or go to a ballgame) with you at the course of your customer's choice. Be creative. If your customer is a fisherman, send a framed picture of a stream and fish. Bring over a new large indoor tree potted in a nice pot for their front reception area with a small sign that says "Thanks from XYZ company. 

Long letters are not necessary. Short letter and BIG thank you gift will get you remembered.


Construction Business Owner, April 2009