Robert Preville
Founder & Chief Executive Officer Kwipped Businesses frequently prefer, and sometimes even require, the ability to finance equipment. However, the process of progressing from application to underwriting to approval to funding is still predominantly manual and requires a lot of time, effort and resources.
With the technology available to streamline processes and efficiently connect people and organizations, it’s surprising that manufacturers have not developed an effective solution to this pain point—especially given the trillion-dollar global equipment financing market. It would be nice to see manufacturers use new technology to intelligently connect buyers to a competitive network of equipment financing companies.
Brent Kuchynka
Vice President, Corporate Fleet Management United Rentals As construction jobsites and projects become more complex, there’s increasing opportunity for equipment manufacturers to include even more digital tracking capabilities and integrate with software or management systems—particularly when it comes to field service repairs. Being able to monitor equipment conditions for repair and maintenance, in addition to current telematics capabilities, would give contractors further visibility into their fleets and help them identify opportunities to improve productivity in real time.
Jim Arabia
Vice President, Marketing BigRentz One of the biggest pain points when troubleshooting an equipment problem is the lack of a common standard for schematics. Standards vary from Internal Organization for Standardization (ISO) to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN) and others for writing schematics—further complicated when some schematics are drawn as a graphic representation of the location of the parts.
Still, others use a more European approach, in which the schematic is more direct, and a different wiring diagram is used to show the locations of wires and components. Can manufacturers finally agree on one standard for drawing schematics? It would make troubleshooting so much easier for users.