Every tool has its own guidelines for safe and proper use. Some are complex and require a detailed understanding, while others might seem more common sense. Ladders are one of those basic tools that may seem like they would not require training. However, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), falls remain the No. 1 cause of death in the construction industry. Many falls are preventable, making low-level scissor lifts a great ally to contractors.
The Traditional Method
The simplicity of ladders in their most basic form have made them the longstanding, go-to tools for work at height. They are inexpensive, compact and convenient, and will always have a time and place on the jobsite—as long as they are set up and used correctly. However, setup and usage are also where problems arise—not following proper guidelines can often lead to costly injuries. OSHA recommends users place extension ladders at a 75-degree angle, set it one-quarter of the working height away from a wall, and ensure the top of the ladder extends 3 feet higher than the elevated surface. Users must also choose ladders with the appropriate duty rating for the task, which ensures it can hold your weight and the weight of your load. And while working on or climbing up and down a ladder, the “three-point rule” should always be enforced. This means users must maintain three points of contact at all times to minimize the risk of slipping and falling. Ladder setup and usage doesn’t sound so common sense anymore, and these are just a few guidelines. It’s no wonder training on proper ladder setup and usage gets overlooked. According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics study of 1,400 ladder accidents, 66% who were injured had not been trained on how to inspect and set up the ladder.
A Higher-Tech Alternative
Low-level scissor lifts allow workers to reach up to 25-foot working heights, which is enough for the majority of high-reach work. While many may think a scissor lift’s overall size is a setback, low-level units can be quite compact and, in some cases, take up less space than a ladder. For instance, the legs of a 12-foot stepladder spread nearly 80 inches apart, which means the ladder covers about 19.43 square feet of floor space. A low-level push-around lift with a 10-foot platform, however, takes up just 10.45 square feet of space. Both offer 16-foot working heights, yet the scissor lift has a 46% smaller footprint, enabling it to be used in more confined areas. When it comes to navigating through doorways, around tight corners or throughout confined areas? A ladder may be easy to move by collapsing or folding it, but the taller it gets, the more cumbersome it becomes. Not only do ladders get heavier as they get taller, but those taller heights also make it challenging in corners and tight spaces.
With low-level lifts, lifting and awkward maneuvering are removed from the equation. Operators can simply lower the units down to an overall height as low as 63.6 inches, and if it’s a self-propelled lift, use the controls on the platform to navigate to the next area. In addition, a zero-turn radius feature on some lifts, coupled with widths as narrow as 30 inches, means maneuvering around 32-inch doorways and down hallways is hassle-free. A lift also eliminates the risk of a strain associated with lugging around a heavy ladder.
A low-level scissor lifts can’t compete with a ladder’s light weight, but some of the lightest scissor lift models can be used on tile, laminate and raised floors without the risk of damage. Some push-around units weigh just 575 pounds and have wheel loads as low as 115 pounds per square inch (psi). Some self-propelled units are more impressive yet, with dual front wheels that enable them to achieve wheel loads as light as 75.8 psi.
Generally, low-level scissor lifts can get into nearly all the same areas as ladders, and that’s big, but the impact these small machines can have on worker safety is even bigger.
Dangerous Tasks
Just like any task, high-reach work comes with challenges. But when using a ladder to perform that work, those challenges become compounded and can test the human body. For example, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and plumbing technicians installing pipes and ductwork overhead need a fair amount of materials and tools as the job progresses.
When they’ve completed one section, they must step down, move the ladder, grab more materials and climb back up. This is not only inefficient, but the repetitive climbing can cause injuries to knees and hips and standing on the rungs for long periods can lead to painful plantar fasciitis. This scenario also sets up the installer for the possibility of a fall. In fact, ladder users should never carry heavy objects or tools up the ladder.
In addition, a worker’s lateral reach is limited once they are on the ladder. This restricts how much work they can accomplish in one spot. As a result, many are tempted to overreach and risk the ladder toppling over. This is why improper ladder usage continues to make OSHA’s top 10 most-cited violations year after year. According to a study provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 81% of all fall injuries among construction workers in 2011 involved a ladder. All of those injuries likely could have been prevented with a low-level lift.
Some self-propelled low-level scissor lifts can hold as much as 750 pounds and offer as much as 15 square feet of platform space, including their extensions. That’s plenty of capacity for ample materials and supplies. Also, loading the lift with those supplies is substantially easier and less taxing on the body due to lower platform heights.
Operators simply load the lift, step up the 20 or so inches to get on the lift, then drive and elevate. And because workers can load the lift with more materials, they make fewer trips up and down, which enhances productivity. In addition, some units feature integrated pipe racks, which give installers a place to rest longer materials, while ensuring the lift stays balanced even with two people. These types of features help boost efficiency while maintaining safety.
The Costly Problem
If you consider a low-level lift to be substantially safer and more efficient than a ladder, there is still one problem—accessibility. If a lift isn’t available, an employee isn’t likely to ask for it and then wait around for it to show up. Instead, the employee might decide to move ahead using what they have, which is often a stepladder; and just like that, the risk of injuries from a fall increases.
It’s not just injuries employers must worry about. Those falls aren’t cheap for a company to handle. Just one workers’ compensation claim can cost tens of thousands of dollars, which is only a fraction of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission’s estimated $24 billion in annual costs associated with ladder injuries.
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers are responsible for providing employees with a safe workplace. Making safer equipment available to employees is just one part of the equation. Employers must also train employees on when and where to use that equipment. Considering some of the risks and associated expenses of ladders, some contractors simply do not allow them on the jobsite unless absolutely necessary and with specific protocols enforced.
Ladders aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, but that doesn’t guarantee safe usage by the workers who climb them. With the option of a low-level scissor lift’s safe and spacious platforms, easy maneuverability and ergonomics, you have a few more benefits to consider when choosing your next at-height helper.