It can be hard to keep up with the heavy equipment industry these days — new excavators and wheel loader models with new options, gadgets and updated features are popping up at a more frequent pace than they once did. It can be easy to lose track of these developments, and some new machine options may go unnoticed by the contractors who might ultimately benefit from them.
Despite the difficulty, it’s important to stay on top of the current trends and technologies available so business owners can maximize uptime on their jobsites. Often, a new accessory or technology can make a machine easier to operate or even increase its productivity — grade control systems, onboard weighing systems, counterweights, additional lighting and extra machine guarding can all help turn a single-purpose machine into a multitasking champion bringing increase efficiency, safety and adaptability to your equipment fleets.
While a stock standard machine can accomplish many tasks, adding attachments and other available options can upgrade excavators and wheel loaders and help those machines provide even more precision and productivity for your business. If you aren’t exploring all of the machine options available on the market today, you could be missing out.
Why Some Options Are Overlooked
You may overlook machine options because you already have an excavator or wheel loader that you are satisfied with. If your lease is up on your current machine and you aren’t looking to explore others, you might say, “I want the equivalent model; send it out.” When you already know that a machine is good for a certain number of hours, you may not feel a need to see what else could be out there. A good sales specialist will listen to your needs and evaluate whether you can benefit from a new feature. Even if you contact your dealer with a machine in mind, it’s worth asking yourself a few relevant questions before reaching out.
What am I using the machine for?
How many hours am I putting on it per day?
How long do I intend to keep it?
Starting that dialogue can lead to a productive conversation about the full line of options available and ensure that you are meeting all your needs instead of just using what you know.
In fact, you may not even be aware of the latest machine developments. You may feel like it’s safest to go with a model you’re already familiar with but, if there’s a new enhancement out there that could get you more bang for your buck, it’s worth doing the research.
Why It’s Worth It to Explore Options
A new machine purchase is an opportunity to fine-tune the equipment to your needs. For example, when shopping for an excavator, consider the different arm configurations available — standard or long — as well as different counterweights. You may prefer a reduced tail swing model instead of a conventional crawler excavator. Some excavators include more hydraulic options, second auxiliaries and rotate circuits that you won’t have access to on a standard model and may miss if you don’t do some research.
A good rule of thumb for a sales specialist is to never assume to know what you want or need. They should always ask you a variety of questions. When shopping for equipment, you likely have three questions to answer:
What jobs does the machine need to complete?
What size of equipment is necessary?
Which machine could be the most versatile?
It’s up to the sales specialist to think outside of the box and ask you additional questions to narrow down what you need in your fleet to best accomplish your goals. Could your operator use this attachment? Would this model better suit the job your team is looking to complete? Could you get by on a smaller, lighter machine?
Asking other questions could lead to you branching out and finding the right model for your needs.
Options Benefit Everyone
When there are a variety of options on the market, everyone wins. Brands can create more innovative products; dealerships can cater to more customers; and customers have a larger selection of products to choose from to fill any and all needs that arise on a jobsite or project.
Manufacturers are always looking for new ways to enhance or improve their equipment. Many times, customer feedback directly impacts a redesign.
If you report back to a company and say, “I need to do this job, but I don’t have an attachment that can complete it,” an engineer with the company may be able to create the right attachment. Without sharing feedback, that particular use may not yet have been considered, so make sure to voice your opinions.
Looking Ahead
As telematics data becomes easier to access and understand, construction business owners and fleet managers can base more purchasing decisions on concrete numbers. With a telematics system, you can see exactly how many hours have been put on a machine or how healthy the engine is, among other measures. Doing so is as easy as using an app on your smartphone or connecting to the system on your laptop.
As technology evolves, so does equipment design. Because new items are always being introduced into the market, it’s important that you do your research before purchasing a new machine. You may find that investing in an accessory or option for your equipment may improve your productivity and pay for itself in the long run.