Recognizing the difference between being data driven & data actionable
Moving past cell phones & servers
The right way to go about continual improvement in your organization
Analyzing & addressing the root cause of flight
Reason in the era of flight
How the construction Mandela effect harms relationships & productivity
Are you your own worst enemy?
Know the detractors & distractors that tank the delivery of quality work
Renew your focus on leadership to lock in more long-term victories
Why projects sometimes appear to be winning, but actually end up losing
Exploring family businesses & the challenges that exist in creating success
How adjusting your vantage point can bring new value to your strategies
Bowing out of the blame game
Can special close-out teams effectively solve the industry’s problems with punch lists?
Getting to know the competition & how it can help you improve
The dichotomy of bonus programs & the unintended consequences
8 mistakes to avoid from the pre-pandemic school of thought
Why some organizations thrive in perpetuity, choose to reinvent themselves or become a one-hit wonder
Focus on fundamentals during tumultuous times
How to create excitement & optimism for the year ahead in the built world