How to be prepared for this rare but devastating end to a contract

May 2021
To read articles from this month’s issue of Construction Business Owner (CBO) magazine, click the links below. Every issue is packed with practical management advice that covers every corner of running a successful business.
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Stay on top of your data with tech designed to save time & effort
5 ways to turn around your company’s priorities & become profit-focused
The dichotomy of bonus programs & the unintended consequences
6 steps to enable financial leaders to revolutionize their roles & the finance function
Purdue University civil engineers are testing tech to improve pace & accuracy
Why you should consider second-chance hiring to overcome labor shortages
Set a digital plan for your project before ever breaking ground
Examining the role of trade credit & the challenges posed by the pandemic
Monitoring expenses & keeping an eye on cash in the post-pandemic construction environment
Weighing the benefits & challenges of the return to in-person trade shows & conferences
Learn how to maximize productivity & the life of your equipment
Data from the AIA Architectural Billings Index, Annual Value of Construction Put in Place Update